Monday, September 30, 2013


Some of my most favorite memories of Grandma was when she would sit us on her lap in the recliner and read books to us and use different voices for the characters.  I try to do that with my kids.  I don't think I do her justice!

There was one time when Grandpa was sort of chasing my sister and I with a horse that wasn't broke yet (for some reason, the fact that a horse wasn't broke yet put the fear in us).  We would squeal and try to get away.  He would tell us not to run or it would spook the horse.  Sister and I got smart and decided to hide in the house.  Grandpa brought the horse THROUGH the house!  I can still hear Grandma yell, "E.G.!!!"  

Spending the night at Grandma and Grandpa's meant you got a HUGE breakfast in the morning with the little cinnamon and sugar donuts.  Can't find those in the store anymore, I sure wish I could!

I don't think I've ever heard her say a single cross word about any one.  Maybe one day people will be able to say the same about me!  (I got a ways to go:).

This precious Grandma is hitting a big birthday soon.  Can't wait!

I'm linked up for Sunday Snapshot with Ni Hao Y'all.  Click the link and check it out!

Ni Hao Yall

Thursday, September 26, 2013

My Kind of Family . . .

Easy peasy . . . 

This family was a breeze to photograph.  Gorgeous light, cooler air, perfect colors.

I've known this family for a while now.  Watched them bring home their precious youngest, then they watched us bring ours home.

Now, our daughters are in China camp together and this mom is their teacher.

We share "the big wait" of Chinese adoptions, and it wasn't pretty. 

 But the reward was OH SO SWEET. 

And now we watch our families grow and get prettier.

Breathtaking sweetness!

And, a little bit of sass.

the long road

Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Wedding . . .

I have this friend who was getting married . . . . 

She was totally chill about the whole thing.  No traditional photos of the entire bridal party with umpteen bridesmaids and groomsmen.  No throwing of the bouquet.  None of that mumbo jumbo.  She said, "I just want a few framers."  Cool.

Well, she's got these gorgeous kids, and I had to make the most of my time and at least get some good shots of them, right?

This is my friend Zoe.  She and I go waaaaaaay back.

Her and her brother, Gavin, gave the bride away (which happens to be their mom).  When the minister asked, "Who gives this woman to be wed?"  It was so sweet to hear his little voice say, "Zoe and I do." 

Small.  Intimate.  Close friends and family.

I hope they got a 'few framers' from me.

The happy couple!

Ni Hao Yall